Posted: August 13th, 2015

Topic: "the queen" Order Description watch the movie of "the queen"first than do the powerpoint. 1. You must limit your presentation to 7minutes. Budget your time 2. You must present critical observations as well as film aesthetics terminology and discussion topics. Research is optional but you must include that in the last slide if so. 3. The Lecture computer is a PC – be prepared to present when class begins. This means that if your hard drive is not formatted for PC, it will not open. Email or upload you presentation to the web. 4. You must turn in your presentation materials via the dropbox under "Midterm Presentations"

Topic: “the queen”

Order Description

watch the movie of “the queen”first than do the powerpoint.
1. You must limit your presentation to 7minutes. Budget your time
2. You must present critical observations as well as film aesthetics terminology and discussion topics. Research is optional but you must include that in the last slide if so.
3. The Lecture computer is a PC – be prepared to present when class begins. This means that if your hard drive is not formatted for PC, it will not open. Email or upload you presentation to the web.
4. You must turn in your presentation materials via the dropbox under “Midterm Presentations”

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