Posted: September 16th, 2017

Topic: What Role can nurses play in improving care of the dying

Topic: What Role can nurses play in improving care of the dying

Order Description

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
• Demonstrate a critical approach towards an identified issue in practice (Component A)
• Demonstrate detailed understanding of a practice issue (Component A)
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ethical principles in research and practice (Component A)
Intellectual skills
• Critically evaluate a range of evidence demonstrating an awareness of the context in which practice occurs (Component A)
• Interpret and analyse evidence collected in relation to the area of clinical practice being explored (Component A)
• Critically appraise a range of evidence and identify its application and implications for practice (Component A)
• Articulate a coherent argument and an ability to defend that line of reasoning (Component A)
Subject, Professional and Practice skills
• Demonstrate an understanding of the responsibility of the professional to use evidence to improve practice (Component A)
• Engage with the evidence to support practice (Component A)
Transferable skills
• Synthesise and evaluate an extensive range of evidence to inform practice (Component A)
Syllabus Outline
• Models of change management
• Barriers to change implementation
• Advanced search skills
• Research methods revisited
• Ethical approaches
• Critical appraisal
• Writing for a professional audience
• Dissemination techniques
• Links between policy and practice
• Service user/carer /family perspectives

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