Posted: September 16th, 2017

TPA 1 (Tutorial Preparation Assignment 1)

TPA 1 (Tutorial Preparation Assignment 1)

TPA requirement
You are required to submit a summary of the contents of chapter one of the textbook. There is no set format. Use whatever layout suits you. Do not cut and paste

exactly as the book has it. (On the Blackboard site there is an example of how one student did the analysis of a similar chapter).

Your submission should be about:
•    1000 words,
•    roughly 2 A4 pages in length
•    Include your name, student ID number, and word count

Learning Objectives
This assignment has several learning objectives.

One is to get you to realize that you need to be able to decide what is relevant and what is not relevant when summarizing any article. You do not have to summarize

the whole chapter from page 1 to page 26. So you need to decide what to include and what you can leave out.

A second objective is to get you used to time management. To get this done by Sunday night, you will need to start early. You will find out how long it takes you to

type out a thousand words. This is important because you might be doing two or three assignments some weeks, depending on what courses you are taking at Uni. You need

to learn to be confident about tackling assignments. Doing an assignment is a skill, and you can learn it. This course starts with simple assignments and progresses to

more demanding things. You need to get to the point where can just sit down and do it, it is a bit of work like any other work and you can learn to do it quickly and


A third objective is to get used to word limits. All written assignments have word limits. If the word limit is 800 words, it is not OK to hand in 1000. If the word

limit is 2000, you can hand in say 1920 words: you can usually go up to 5% under. Most courses do not like you going over. Check first. The object of a word limit is

to force you to focus on what is important and put your ideas across in a clear, simple way. Anyone can waffle on for pages: it takes skill to write concisely, and

that is the skill you have to learn. Always put your word count on the bottom of the cover page of every assignment.

Weekly Reading
Textbook:     Kroenke and Hooper, Chapter 1 – The Importance of MIS
Article:     None this week.
Websites:     Broaden your interests. See what the internet is talking about.

Using Technology
It is important for you to get yourself familiar with the technology. You must upload your TPA using Blackboard. Technology can be tricky. Leave yourself lots of time

in case things go wrong. You can use any text editor you like, but the file format has to be compatible with what the university uses (Word or PDF).

Answer Guide
Please see the model answer. On the Blackboard site there is an example of how one student did the analysis of a similar chapter.

Using the Resources
You are not on your own. You need to learn when to ask for help. Use the discussion board to talk to other students about how to tackle this assignment.

Best Examples of the Week.
Every week best TPAs will be selected by tutors and posted on Bb for you to have a look.
If your TPA is selected as such you will be asked to give your permission (of course TPA will be posted without name and student ID number unless you want it there.)


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