Posted: September 8th, 2015

Trace your Farming Roots

Trace your Farming Roots (Links to an external site.)

Is your family involved in some aspect of farming either now or in the past? Agriculture includes food and fiber production, processing, sales, farm equipment sales, and other areas close to farming. Conduct research by interviewing family members to determine if any have been involved in agriculture.

When you find the most recent generation, refer to the Ag Classroom timeline from the link above and determine if the events identified on the timeline connect in some way to your family’s farming experience. Or, you might identify other historical events that affected their agricultural practices.

Write a short essay talking about the connection between your family’s experience and an historical event from the timeline.


350-500 words
Organize using proper paragraph and sentence structure Link (Links to an external site.)
Refer to the rubric for grading specifics
Post to your Farm Journal blog with a title that identifies your topic
Add photos and graphics if available
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