Posted: May 17th, 2016

The treatment and status of women, marriage, divorce, and polygamy

fter reading The Koran and the introduction by Professor Dawood, write a 3-page paper (approximately 700 words) in which you discuss any 3 of the following and how The Koran deals with such issues as:

The relationship between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
The treatment and status of women, marriage, divorce, and polygamy
The justification of a “holy war” (jihad)
Use of alcohol
Charity and help for the needy
Dietary restrictions
Justice and its administration
Principles of faith
Treatment of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus

When discussing each of these points, you will need to cite the specific Sura from The Koran. Try to include as many examples for these points as possible in your paper. Finally, draw some conclusions as to the nature of The Koran.

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