Posted: September 13th, 2017

two design of quantative research

two design of quantative research

Students must choose two quantative  research designs to address the following research question
Is there a difference between breast feeding mother and bottlefeeding mother in respect to maternal senstivity and maternal infant attachment
”Briefly outline the two designs you will use to address the question above. Describe how the research question
(and hypothesis, if applicable) would need to change for each design. Compare and contrast the strengths and
limitations of each design in addressing the question. Papers should be 3-6 pages in length (not including
reference section).

1. Summarizes each research design with clarity; research design & modified question are congruent. (8)
2. Comparison addresses ability of each design to
a) examine casual relationships,
b) minimize threats to internal and external validity,
c) address alternative explanations for finding an association. (8)
3. Overview of strengths and weaknesses for each design in addressing the broader question are
thoughtful and reflect course content. (8)
4. Clarity of expression, including grammar and APA format. (6)

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