Posted: December 5th, 2014

UCLA School of Nursing AND APU

UCLA School of Nursing AND APU

Order Description

UCLA PROMPT: Please provide a written statement (2-3 typewritten pages, double spaced) that includes your own assessment of your potential for undergraduate study and

for a professional career in nursing, and your reason for selecting the UCLA School of Nursing. You may include information indicating any personal life challenges you

have experienced. Multicultural experiences, bilingual abilities and economic, educational or social disadvantages should also be included here. Indicate how your

volunteer, work, or other life experiences influenced your decision to pursue a nursing career.

APU PROMPT: In 500-1,000 words, describe your professional nursing goals, including your personal definition of nursing and concept of career opportunities in this


BACKGROUND: Working in a cancer clinic really helped me decide that my passion is to help others. Being able to see someone nursed back to health over a period of time

was magical for me because I knew I helped to be a part of that. I also worked in a family practice; both centers/clinics are multilingual, so am I (Chinese/English).

I do not have any disadvantages socially or educationally.
Personal challenges: I had schools who had accepted me after college (I’m stuck at a community college right now). I had applied for pharmaceutical sciences but my

mother refused to let me pursue that major, hence being stuck in my situation right now. This was a challenge, facing what I had previously planned out an unknown

future for myself. It was not until I picked up my internship at the cancer clinic that I realized I wanted to physically help others.


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