Posted: September 16th, 2017

UMUC ACCT301 week 8 dsicussion

1. How will our ACCT 301 course and related activities, including the SEC 10-K project, assist you in future courses?

2. Do you have an interest in any taking any additional accounting courses?

You are eligible, upon successfully completing ACCT 301, to enroll in ACCT 320 Fraud Detection and Deterrence. After ACCT 320 you may wish to enroll in ACCT 440 Forensic and Investigative Accounting. These courses do not include Journal Entries. ACCT 320 is general and designed for non accounting students. ACCT 440 focuses on the role of the expert witness, interviews, and the management of evidence.

You may wish to consider a minor in Fraud Investigation, which would include ACCT 301, 320, and 440 plus two specific criminal justice courses for a total of 15 credit hours.

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