Posted: September 13th, 2017

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

provide a short summary of the literary text that you will be examining and why you find it interesting to read and study (THE NORTON ANTHOLOGY aMERICAN LITERATURE volume B) and any other of your choice. You need to present a thesis statement. Example: My thesis is to explain Walt whitman’s poem, " Song of Myself." Your paper will prove and one or two sentence from your passage. You should have 2 or 3 body paragaphs with proper formating, quotations. When you reach the end of your paper, you should provide a full conclusion, by restating your thesis, but do repeat your thesis from your introduction: change the wording. 2. Summarize your supporting points. 3. Connect the sigificance of your literary study to something important currently going on within our culture. Use the short forms for formatiting quotations any passage which is 3 line or less. three supporting points utilizing literary evidence

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