Posted: September 16th, 2017

Understanding culture and heritage tourism via religious sites in Myanmar

Please incorporate these points into the essay:
1. What do Buddhism religious sites in Myanmar tell us about the national Buddhism beliefs (touch on Architecture of pagodas and temples, guardians statues of pagodas, etc) OR any other cultural beliefs of the Burmese people.
2. How religious sites in Myanmar serves as the place of worshipping for the people
3. How has tourism affected these religious sites (restructure, preservation, maintenance, etc) and how the government has used these religious sites for tourism purposes.

Please focus on the following sites for analysis of the above 3 points, with more in-depth evaluation of 1. Shwedagon pagoda
1. Shwedagon pagoda, Yangon
2. Shwezigon Pagoda, Bagan
3. Bagan Archaeological Zone, dotted with thousands of pagodas and temples
4. Ananda temple, Bagan
5. Mount Popa
6. Mahamuni pagoda, Mandalay

Note: No introduction needed, go straight into analysis of the 2 points.]

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