Posted: September 13th, 2017

Understanding of amino acids, protein structure and function

Biochemistry. Amino acids, protein structure and function. Human Fibrinogen.

The protein human fibrinogen

This assignment is designed to strengthen your understanding of amino acids, protein structure and function (learning outcome 1) by getting you to utilise the literature searching skills (learning outcome 5) you learned in term 1 courses. This assessment requires you to undertake a literature search for a given protein, or a protein of your choice, and produce a poster that provides information on the structure, function and biological role(s) of the protein. You must cite and reference at least one current primary source of information.

In order to achieve this you will need to:

scan relevant literature (textbooks, websites, etc) to identify a suitable protein that is of interest to you, or gain a broad understanding of a given protein if you are having difficulty identifying a suitable protein
research the primary literature to locate relevant current primary sources (scientific journal articles written in the last 3 years)
prepare a poster written in your own words that makes effective use of the sources of information

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