Posted: December 2nd, 2014

united cultures

united cultures

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taking a theatre class which basically talking about how different cultures acts upon other and how people can get racist etc. i would like you to write about how people can use racist phrases with their friends and think it’s OK. and please add the movie CRASH in the essay. and provide an article in this area. and people should respect other cultures with out any racism. and people should act equally with no class level and how people high class look at low class people. and how people should act together instead of seperated to move forward

Final Project or Final Written Assignment

You will complete either a final project OR a written paper for the class, the details of which follow:

FINAL WRITTEN PAPERS are due in class, December 3, 2012

You may write about a professional performance you have seen, you may want to discuss scenes from a film based upon a play relevant to the course material, do scholarly research, or a dramaturgical analysis.   You may have found a newspaper article that has sparked your interest which you want to further explore.  The goal of this writing assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of broad, unifying themes that exist among different cultures, and to examine the relationships that gender, ethnicity or class bring to any society and/or any culture.  If you wish to explore your personal ethnic culture or religion, you may do that also.  Ideas will be submitted to instructor for approval on November 3rd..    Please submit your ideas on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
For your final paper:
•    Use an 8.5 x 11 inch white paper, one inch margins on all sides, and double spacing. Generally, MLA-style papers do not require a cover page, but I do. Place your last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner. 3 page paper, MLA essay form, with a cover page, with your name, class hour and title on it.  All must be stapled.
?    You must reference any resources that you used in your research.


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