Posted: April 1st, 2015

Update Annotated Bibliography


  1. Reconstructing Gloria: A narrative analysis of team meetings
  2. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches
  1. Practical research: Planning and design
  2. Qualitative research and evaluation methods
  3. Through the eyes of the institution: A critical discourse analysis of decision making in two special education meetings
  1. Qualitative research: A personal skills approach
  2. The art of case study research
  3. Research methods knowledge base
  • Case study research: Design and methods


Update Annotated Bibliography

Crepau, E. B. (2000). Reconstructing Gloria: A narrative analysis of team meetings. Qualitative Health Research, 10(6), 766-787.

This article uses a narrative technique explained by the author in explaining a gero-psychiatric patient case. Different cases have been use in this article. It explains ho stories can be used in creating images and explaining patient relationships in healthcare institutions. It examines how stories and their thematic features can impact on patient care.

Creswell, J.W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

            This book explains to students the methods that are used in research. It uses exercises, experiences and case studies to provide writing samples of research. It carries different research methods and explains how these methods can be used collectively. It helps readers to decode meaning by focusing on paradigms and theory to explain the research methods.

Grinnell, R. M. & Yvonne, A. (2010). Social work research and evaluation: Foundations of evidence-based practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

            This book is a refined book on research. It bases on the modifications done by the author. It uses simple language and examples to explain concepts of social work research. It puts emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative research methods and tools in social research.

Leedy, P.D. (1997). Practical research: Planning and design (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

            This book outlines the structure of quality research and the methodology that is used in attaining such a research. It guides readers on all the steps of conducting a research which is authentic. It gives suggestions that are practical and which are founded in conceptual frameworks.

Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

            This is a book that is common amongst researchers. It illuminates all features of qualitative inquiry. All the qualitative methods of research have been analyzed in this book. The author explains how qualitative evaluation can be done in research basing on the qualitative methods.

Rogers, R. (2000). Through the eyes of the institution: A critical discourse analysis of decision making in two special education meetings. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 33(2), 213-237.

The article by the author is in reference to a case study. It presents a model of understanding social reproduction as presented in the anthropology for disability. The author bases on a case of two special education meetings for a one adolescent girl.

Sekaran, U. & Bougie, R. (2010). Research methods for business: A skill building approach (5th ed.). USA: John Wiley & Sons.

This book is intended for business and marketing students doing research. The author provides a framework for conducting scientific manner in business studies. This book gives emphasis on specific areas of research. It dwells significantly on explaining the data analysis process of a scientific, business research. It emphasizes on the relevance of management in research and its implications.

Schram, T. H. (2006). Conceptualizing and proposing qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

This is a supplementary book to all courses in qualitative research. It is a guide book to both students and researchers. The author addresses the bogging questions and difficulties in conducting a qualitative research. He does this basing on experience gained from aiding novice researchers. Therefore, it gives experience-based solutions to challenges that are often encountered in doing research.

Shank, G. D. (2006). Qualitative research: A personal skills approach. Upper Saddler River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

This is a practical book that discuses qualitative research. It was written in an instructional manner. It gives instructions as well as exercises on the foundations of qualitative research. It introduces readers to the skills that can be employed in conducting qualitative research. It gives the skills and explains how they can be applied to qualitative research.

Stake, R. E. (1996). The art of case study research. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: Sage.

This book is a consolidation of ideas that were articulated by the author in different chapters and journal articles that were authored by him. It uses updated examples, and a simple style as well as suggestions to explain how qualitative research can be conducted. It uses a personal presentation style which simplifies the concepts in the book.

Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., & Silverman, S. (2010). Research methods in physical activity (6th ed.). USA: Human Kinetics.

This is a comprehensive book which explains the research process and methods that can be used in exercise science. The aspects contained in the book are best suited for students studying physical activities. It explains how students studying this subject can access resources related to this field from the library.

Trochim, W. M. K., & Donnelly, J. P. (2008). Research methods knowledge base. Mason, Ohio: Atomic Dog/Cengage Learning.

This is a book that gives a clear coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods that are used in research. It explains the entire process of doing research. It gives diverse examples that can be applied in different fields of study.

Yin, R.K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods. (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

            This book presents a detailed coverage of case study research. It explains the design that can be used in case study research. It explains how case studies are important tools of research. Well over 50 case studies have been use in the book to expound the importance of case study-based research.

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