Posted: December 5th, 2016

Urgent Care introduction! (What’s Urgent Care clinic)

Analyze the 3 attached papers of Urgent Care medical practice operational plan, then answers these questions below. Then, create 12 Power Point slides for summary.

1. Urgent Care introduction! (What’s Urgent Care clinic)
2. How do you plan to market the Urgent Care practice?
3. What are some of development plans for the Urgent Care medical practice?
4. Can you make any other necessary refinements as you incorporate additional learning of the Urgent Care business?
5. As you begin to synthesize your practice management knowledge, what are some of the knowledge gaps need to be filled in order for you to be a successful Urgent Care medical practice manager?
6. Create a personal development plan that ensures you will acquire such knowledge and skill in the future?

Once the paper is complete, please generate a Power point presentation summary of at least 12 slides and include a personal development plan at end.

Include 4 references please.

Thank you

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