Posted: September 13th, 2017

US Foreign Relations

Read The American Century (1941) by Henry Luce and ?The Century of the Common Man? (1942) by Henry Wallace (both are available on Trunk and an audio version of Wallace?s speech is linked to through the website).

The two men were seen as being at different, even adversarial, political poles. Luce was the head of a conservative media empire (Time-Life) and Wallace was a liberal New Dealer and Vice-President of the United States. Yet both men were proposing dramatic changes to the world the United States inhabited in the 1940s. Both statements have often been seen as counterpoints to each other.

Take the role of a commentator of the time and provide commentary on and context for both speeches.

Explain how historical elements both at that specific moment and from the proceeding three decades have led to a crisis that requires major exertions from the United States to solve. Discuss what each figure sees as the cause of global instability and the world order that should replace it and whether these positions reflect reality. Explain how particular events and broader historical trends have made American global commitment a complicated question but ones the United States must face. Using only the course readings and other course materials explain this past and how it leads up to the complicated present of early 1942 (Herring, Merrill and Paterson, and Reynolds will all be quite useful here).

Your paper should be well grounded and recognize the specific historical moment it reflects (remember, it is the early days of US involvement in World War II). Consider viewpoints that challenge your position and contend with them. In other words, argue this issue, with strong reference to the history of the period, as you might as a partisan for a pressing issue on today?s international agenda.

Your essay should show how clear historical understanding can clarify the positions and the issues under discussion in public debates over foreign policy and current events.


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