Posted: February 4th, 2015

Use £200,000 as an initial fund to open/set up an own photography company

Use £200,000 as an initial fund to open/set up an own photography company

Order Description

1, The subject is Fine Art Photography, but this writing looks like more focus on the
Business. 2, Use ‘First Person’ please (e.g. I did, I think…). 3, It is a Report. 4, I will upload one instruction, stick on it please. 5, Only use 3 references at Analysis part. Thank you very much!

Reflective account for The Learning Contract Program
Word Count: 1500 – 2000 words.
Deadline: 9th Feb 2015.
My course: Fine Art Photography, but this writing looks like more focus on the
This reflective account report is about:
For the international students who study in the UK, most of them will choose back to their
home country when they graduated, only a few numbers of students could find a job to
continue they VISA to stay in the UK. The Home Office offered some immigration policy; one
of it is called “£200,000 Investment Immigration Plan”. Please use is £200,000 as an initial
fund to open/set up an own photography company (Portrait, Wedding, Horse Commercial
Studio) in simulation or a plan, running this company for 3-5 years and hiring two employees.
Writing this reflective account, the research must include: Preparation for set up a
company, Photographic equipment expenditures, Energy expenditure, Advertising
expenditure, Rental expenses, Staff salaries, Tax (personal & company) and everything you
might needs. No matter the company is in profit (make money more than the £200,000
initial fund) or in deficit (losing money less than that £200,000), you must analysing the data
and research in some Graph (visually) with the texts, also thinking about what you need to
learn or improve in the future study in Fine Art and what need to learn become more
professional as a commercial photographer.
Example for the reflective account in structure: (don’t miss those points)
? Why I choose do this research?… because the International student it is hard to find
a job.
? Some information about the “£200,000 Investment Immigration Plan”.
? What I have done?… simulation to set up my own photography company.
? What I did? Where/How I got this research?… i.e. Questionnaire, sources….
? All the research I done.
? All the data of the company running (Prophase, Mid-term, Later period).
? Graph based on the data and research.
? Thinking in depth and from different perspectives, and explain.
? Reference to a research or theory from this subject.
? Summary this research (result), feasible or not? Profit or deficit?
? Reflective this research between the own study in the University, what you need to
learn or improve?
? What I need to learn by myself? Become more professional.
? Which things/points I should note that in the future business?… to decrease
problems and cost.
IMPORTANT! MUST follow this way to write the report:
Your Reflective writing is evidence of reflective thinking. In an academic context, reflective
thinking usually involves:
1. Description – Looking back your research about simulation to set up company (i.e.
something that happened, a result of the research, but it could also be an idea or
2. Interpretation – Analysing the event or idea (thinking in depth and from different
perspectives, and trying to explain, often with reference to a research or theory
from your subject).
3. Outcome – Thinking carefully about what the event or idea means for you and your
on-going progress as a learner (what need to learn or improve in the future) and/or
practising professional (Commercial).
In the learning contract report, you MUST following these points:
1. In the report, you must put some visually Document (i.e. Graph for the data based
on your research, data for company running as simulation, Expenditure and Income)
2. Include some information about the Home Office (Investment Immigration Plan),
what it does, how it does it.
3. Reflective writing is in the first person. (“I…” )
Data and information may be need:
? Starting money/initial fund: £200,000
? Location: Near London (why, Cheap rent? Not lose too much customers)
? Photographic equipment expenditures: £20,000 (all together may be, need to do
some research, include few numbers of camera, lighting, tripod and Camera
? Rent (need to find out, please)
? Advertising expenditure (research to find out which way is the best but cheapest)
? Energy cost (estimate)
? Vehicle (Insurance, Maintenance, Road Tax per year)
? Staff salaries (Two employees, maybe one with accounting another one could do
something else)
? Other things might cost.. (I don’t know)
? Information about Home Office – “£200,000 Investment Immigration Plan”


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