Posted: September 16th, 2017

Use Case Model, Draft Diagram.

Use Case Model, Draft Diagram.

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1. Answer each of the following questions:
a. What similarities and differences are there between super/subtypes and super/subclasses?
b. In what ways are use case diagrams and context diagrams similar? In what ways are they
c. What is the purpose of the use case description table?
2. Consider again the food ordering system described in back in Q1 of the Week 6 tutorial:
“Fush & Chups” wants to install a system to record orders for fish and chips. When regular customers
call “Fush & Chups” on the phone, their phone number goes automatically into the ordering system.
The phone number invokes the name, address, and last order date comes automatically up on the
screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and delivery, is calculated. Then the order is
given to the cook. A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so the
customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the receipt and
coupon (if any). Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance.
The original question required you to develop a process model that included a context diagram and
level 0 DFD for this system. Now, instead, develop:
a. A use case model for the system (note that this includes a use case diagram and a description
for each use case on that diagram); and
b. Based on your use case model, a draft class diagram for the system.
c. Comment on the differences, strengths and weaknesses you found between the two UML
modelling techniques you used in this question, namely use case analysis and class diagram
development, compared to the more traditional methods discussed in previous lectures and
tutorial classes.
3. Suppose you are responsible for documenting, using UML, the ACT Canberra Connect system (see
the website at ).
a. Identify at least three use cases, together with the actor(s) they involve, that you believe
would appear in a use case model for the system. Use the information on the website as the
basis for your answer.
b. For each of the use cases you have identified, write a use case description and expand it
into the sequence of steps needed to carry out the use case. Note that you may have to
make some reasonable assumptions in order to do this since there may not be enough
information on the website about the detailed operations of the system with respect to the
use cases you have identified.
c. Based on your answers to the previous parts of this question, develop a (partial) draft class
diagram for the ACT Canberra Connect system

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