Posted: December 7th, 2014

use cases system analysis

Order Description

these are the use cases names:

1) Manage Shopping Cart
2) Check out
3)File Complaint
4)Manage Product Catalog
5)Ship Order
6)Manage Client Account

Use-Case Name:    Removing Cart Items
Use-Case ID:    001
Priority:    High
Source:    Requirement Document
Primary Business Actor:    Visitor
Other Participating Actors:    Administrator (internal server)
Precondition:    The visitor has already entered the system and accessed his/her shopping cart.
Trigger:    This use case is initiated when the visitor wants to manage his or her shopppping cart.
Typical Course of Events:    Actor Action    System Response
Step 1: The visitor will create account and provide their demographic information.
Step 2: The visitor will seek for his or her desire items into the site.
Step 4: The visitor will click on ‘add to cart’ option.
Step 6: After adding the item into the cart, the visitor can again revisit the web page of the SoundStage, where he or she can seek for other items.
Step 7: If he or she thinks another item is required then he or she will repeat the process or else if he or she thinks not to buy the item then he or she can remove undesirable item from his or her cart.
Step 8: If the visitor wants the same item in a more quantity then the visitor can increase the number of quantity in shopping cart option vice versa.     Step 2: The system will verify the details of the visitor.
Step 3: The system will display the desire items to the visitor into the webpage.
Step 5: The system will add the item into the cart.
Step 9: After confirming the modification into the cart, then the system will save the changes and move for the next step.

Alternate Courses:    Step 2: If the visitor had provided wrong information during login time, then system will notify the visitor.
Step 3: If the ordered quantity is not matching with the inventory, then the visitor will be notified.

Use-Case Name:    Check out

Use-Case ID:    002
Priority:    High
Source:    Requirement Document
Primary Business Actor:    Client
Other Participating Actors:    The Bank
Precondition:    The client should have a valid credit card number.
Trigger:    This use case is initiated when the order is verified.
Typical Course of Events:
-the system will display a verification message.
– the system checks the warehouse for the item quantity ordered by the client if it is available.    Actor Action    System Response
Step 1: The client is completing his or her purchasing by adding all necessary items into his or her cart.
Step 3: After confirming the invoice, the client will click on ‘payment’ option.    Step 2: The system will generate an invoice.
Step 4: The system will generate various payment method.
Step 5: After confirming payment, the payment details will be shared with the bank for verification.
Step 6: After the verification from the bank, the system will display a message to the client about the order confirmation.

Alternate Courses:    Step 2: If the visitor had provided wrong information during payment time, then system will notify the client.

Use-Case Name:    Modifying Product Price

Use-Case ID:    003
Priority:    High
Source:    Requirement Document
Primary Business Actor:    Sub-manager
Other Participating Actors:    Warehouse
Precondition:    The sub-manager is registered to the system.
Trigger:    This use case is initiated when the goods are not available in stock.
Typical Course of Events:    Actor Action    System Response
Step 1: The supplier will check their inventory.
Step 5: By doing these a supplier can manage the product catalog and can add, remove or modify the products in the catalog according to the availability of the products into the stock of the suppliers.
Step 2: The system will build contact with the client and provide the information about the product.
Step 3: The system will provide information to the client about that th0e product is currently not available into the stock.
Step 4: The system will provide option to the client, if the client wants to replace that item with another then the supplier can manage it.

Alternate Courses:    Step 2: If the supplier had any issue regarding goods or stock, then the supplier will contact the client and the company.

Use-Case Name:    Create Client Account

Use-Case ID:    004
Priority:    High
Source:    Requirement Document
Primary Business Actor:    Client
Other Participating Actors:    Administrator
Precondition:    Both the client and the admin have need to change the client account.
Trigger:    This use case is initiated when both the client and the admin wants to manage the client’s account.
Typical Course of Events:    Actor Action    System Response
Step 4: Else, if the client wants to delete his or her account, then he or she has enough permission to delete his or her account and his or her details will automatically removed from the database of the company too.    Step 1: When a client of SoundStage wants to buy some items from their web site at that moment they have to create an account for the verification and safety purpose so that authentication can be maintained between the client and the company.
Step 2:  If a client wants to delete or modify the account of Sound Stage, which has been created by him or her then he or she can modify the details like address and contact number.
Step 3: The client has to wait for the administration verification and after completion of verification from the admin side then the client is able to buy the items from the web site
Step 5: As like this, admin of the company has also enough permission to delete the account of the client if they found forgery in authentication of the client and do this the admin has to mail the client about this process and reason of the same.

Alternate Courses:    Step 2: If there is no need of modification, then this process will be terminated.

Rajput, W. (2000). E-Commerce systems architecture and applications. Boston, Mass.: Artech House.

Use-Case Name    Use-Case Description    Participating Actors & Roles
Manage Shopping Cart

(Use this one)    This use case describes how the user can browse the catalog, view his/her cart, add to or remove items from the cart, edit the quantities or empty his/her shopping cart.
Check out

(Use this one)    This use case describes how the client finalizes his/her purchases by checking out from the shopping cart. Payment is processed in this use case.
File Complaint
This use case describes how the client can file a complaint if the goods received do not correspond to the order or are damaged.
Manage Product Catalog

(Use this one)    This use case is used by the supplier to manage products in the catalog. The supplier can add, remove or modify products in the catalog.
Ship Order
This use case describes how the supplier sends the goods ordered to the client.
Manage Client Account

(Use this one)    This use case describes the operations the user can access to create, modify or delete his/her account. Some of these operations are also accessible by the system administrator whose role it is to enforce the “Terms of Use” of the online system.


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