Posted: September 13th, 2017

Use of computers in design: Essay samples

Use of computers in designing of clothes
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From the article, it stands out that, technology has become a major component of the multi-billion dollar Fashion industry due to stiffened competition by players in the industry seeking every competitive advantage. The writer has explained how technology is being used in designing, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of fashion products within the industry. I agree with the article that computers have been widely used in making the clothes we wear in two ways. First designing to make sure that the target markets get the products that they need/want and secondly manufacturing to ensure there are different sizes of each design.
Clothes are made from fabric. The article suggests that some computer software’s have been specifically designed to allow designers to experiment with different types of fabric. They give visual on-screen samples of the interaction of colors, yarns and weaves for designers to use in their designs. The article states that most weaving machines of the day are highly computerized. They accept digital input to control threads and patterns. The writer suggests that through networks, fabric designs can be stored in XML formats and transmitted to a fabric manufacturer over the internet and used directly in computerized weaving machines. With good fabric to work with, the article convincingly puts across that computers have also eased the burden for cloth designers as much of the designs are done by the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, such as pattern-making software. A combination of certain templates used to cut fabric sections is referred to as a pattern. Once a designer is satisfied by the pattern, the pattern-making software generates a set of patterns for each garment size from the original pattern (master pattern). I believe this is how computers are used to make the clothes we wear.

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