Posted: March 6th, 2017

use the seven (7) steps in the ethical decision-making framework to recommend one (1) course of action you would take in order to avoid the ethical dilemmas. Provide a rationale to support your recommendation.

“Professional Liability” Please read Case 8-56: Ethical Decisions and Time Pressure From the case study, determine the main potential ethical dilemmas. Next, use the seven (7) steps in the ethical decision-making framework to recommend one (1) course of action you would take in order to avoid the ethical dilemmas. Provide a rationale to support your recommendation. From the case study, based on your recommendation in Part I of this discussion, suggest one (1) strategy that would support you making the right decision without undermining the manager’s confidence in your problem-solving ability in a difficult situation. Provide a rationale to support your response.

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