Posted: September 16th, 2017

Use the data to create a scatterplot; add a trendline; request the regression line


The attached data file (Magazines.xls) contains the hours per month spent telemarketing and the number of new subscriptions per month over a two-year period for a magazine publisher. The publisher would like to predict the number of new subscriptions based on the hours spenttelemarketing.
 Use the data to create a scatterplot; add a trendline; request the regression line equation and the r-squared value. (You do not have to submit the scatterplot but you will need it to answer Questions 1 – 6 below.) 
HINT: Make sure the explanatory variable is on the x-axis. 
1. Describe the overall pattern of the relationship between hours spent telemarketing and number of new subscriptions.
 2. What is the correlation between hours spent telemarketing and number of new subscriptions? [numerical answer required] 
3. What is the equation for the least squares regression line? [Note: The OLI materials give the equation in the form Y = a + bx But Excel presents the equation as Y = bx + a. It doesn’t matter which way you express it as long as it is correct and you can distinguish between the intercept and the slope.]
 4. If telemarketing hours increase by one hour, we would expect the number of new subscriptions to _________ by ____________. 
5. Predict the number of subscriptions for a month in which there were 900 hours of telemarketing. 
6. Explain why it would not be a good idea to predict the number of subscriptions for a month in which there were 1600 hours of telemarketing. 7. A researcher found that the relationship between the appraised value of a house (in thousands of dollars) and its age (in years) could be summarized by the regression equation: Appraised value = 400.8 – 2.5 * age. Interpret the value of the slope in the context of this study. 8. A medical researcher asks: What is the effect of age on blood pressure? Identify the explanatory and response variables. 9. InNewYorkState there is a fairly strong positive correlation between principals’ salaries and the reading scores of their students. (This is true.) Upon learning this, a politician recommends that principals’salaries be increased because this will cause students’ reading scores to increase. Good idea?(Explain your answer.)

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