Posted: September 13th, 2017

Use the Reading I Have Provide and Answer the Prompt

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


  • As you know designed primarily to assess the extent to which students have actively engaged the themes raised in the prompts . ability to support his or her argument by using evidence from all relevant sources in the syllabus. Please limit your citations to readings from the syllabus—the use of other sources is not allowed in this.

    Please respond to one of the following prompt. Write an essay in response to prompt number 2 using only readings from the bottom

    1. .
    2. In their articles from weeks 7 and 8, a number of migration scholars explore the complex transnational processes that have contributed to the explosive growth of the Mexican-origin and pan-Latino populations of the United States in recent decades, suggesting that the ongoing demographic revolution can be explained partially as the result of a combination of: policy-driven regional political and economic integration; massive economic restructuring on both sides of the border; international investment patterns; and labor recruitment practices by employers. Based on what you know about the generally negative attitudes many Americans have exhibited toward people they have historically defined as non-white peoples, and citing evidence from readings, handouts, and film and lecture notes, draft an essay of 10-12 pages in which you assess the strengths and weaknesses of these arguments and explore how and why the nation’s Mexican-origin and Mexican-heritage population was allowed to grow from fewer than six million individuals in 1970 to nearly 35 million today, while the overall Latino population has grown from less than 5 percent of the U.S. population to more than 17 percent today.


+++++++++++++++++ONLY USE THESE SOURCES:


READ: Wayne A. Grove, “The Mexican Farm Labor Program, 1942-1964

: Government Administered Labor Market Insurance for Farmers,” Agricultural History 70 (2) (Sept. 1996): 302-20;


David Harvey, “Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 610 (1) (Mar. 2007): 21-44


; Patricia Fernández-Kelly and Douglas S. Massey, “Borders for Whom? The Role of NAFTA in Mexico-U.S. Migration,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 610 (1) (Mar. 2007): 98-118


; Donna Chollett, “From Sugar to Blackberries: Restructuring Agro-Export Production in Michoacán, Mexico,” Latin American Perspectives 36 (3) (May 2009): 79-92.


READ: Douglas Massey and Karen A. Pren, “Unintended Consequences of U.S. Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America,” Population and Development Review 38 (1) (March 2012): 1-29;


Matthew R. Sanderson, “Networks of Capital, Networks for Migration: Political-Economic Integration and the Changing Geography of Mexico-U.S. Immigration,”

Global Networks 14 (1) (2014): 23-43;


William Kandel and Camilio A Parrado, “Restructuring of the U.S. Meat Processing Industry and New Hispanic Destinations,” Population and Development Review 31 (3) (Sept. 2005): 447-71.



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