Posted: September 24th, 2015

Using Google Docs in Google Drive



b) What are the advantages of using Google Docs in Google Drive instead of e-mail and MS Word to collaborate on an assignment?

c) Do you think a large organization would use something like Google Docs as their official collaboration tool? Why or why not?

Q2. a) The Woolworths store in Joondalup needs to decide when (and how much) new stocks of Nestle Kit Kat share packets to order when its current stocks reach a re-order point.

i) Is this decision operational, managerial or strategic? Why?

ii) What type of information system (automated or augmentation or both) can be used in making the decision? Provide an example of an application (or software) that can be used for such a decision (using information from the Internet or elsewhere, state the name of the application, the vendor and provide the URL or the citation/reference):

e.g. {Note: this is an example of an answer only, it is NOT a correct answer} – For this strategic decision, an augmentation IS could/should be used as the decision making process is structured because…………. An example of an application that can be used is the Finance Planning module of Oracle Financial Services software ( services/index.html)

b) Woolworths needs to decide whether to introduce a Woolworths Select brand of pure coconut water.

i) Is this decision operational, managerial or strategic? Why?

ii) What type of information system (automated or augmentation or both) can be used in making the decision? Provide an example of an application (or software) that can be used for such a decision (using information from the Internet or elsewhere, state the name of the application, the vendor and provide the URL or the citation/reference).

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