Posted: June 23rd, 2016

Using Rasch one parameter model to validate TIMSS: Multiple Choice Test, mathematics section 2011 . TIMSS stands for TRENDS OF INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE STUDY

Using Rasch one parameter model to validate TIMSS: Multiple Choice Test, mathematics section 2011 .
Gently here are the instructions:
In general English language level is intermediate.
1- introduce measurement, one sentence or two.
2- introduce Rasch one parameter model (1960): difficulty parameter and person parameter, special objectivity of Rasch, and Rasch is psychometric rather than psychological therefore it is not necessary for a test to be unidimensional (one trait). (to the writer please do not refer to Rasch as an IRT model)
3- construct validity of the exam: argue for it define it, …. two paragraphs or more if you found necessary. Now link the construct validity to Rasch model

4- the multiple choice test. debate for them … this is in fact the first serious debate in the thesis.
5- TIMSS, INTRODUCE TIMSS. Int. Now let us find a reason to the following
Why to choose to review the multiple choice items 2011?
After answering the question abovementioned you can argue for the mathematics, not that many of sentences.
6- The study includes only 8th grade because ………. It is important transition stage …. not because any other reason.
IN ADDITION, “”” This item-specific variance may, for instance, be systematically linked to component such as the topic addressed in the format.’’(Olsen,2005).
(for the essay writer: format=multiple choice, we need to rephrase the whole statement)

Research goal

Research question
1-Do multiple choice items, mathematics section, in TIMSS 2011, fit Rasch one parameter model?
1.1. What are the items parameters?
1.2 What are the ability parameter?
1.3 Is there any item bias?

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