Posted: September 16th, 2017

UTSA GBA exam 1

Question 1

According to Cultural Relativism, the most wealthy countries have proven to create the greatest good and so the most wealthy countries set the example for objective universal moral truths.



Question 2

Kant’s categorical imperative states that you should _________________________________________.

Act only on that maxim that generates peace among cultures and societies.
Act only on that maxim that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Act only on that maxim that produces the greatest wealth among nations.
act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Act only on that maxim that produces the least number of conflicting duties.

Question 3

Bowie thinks that human beings possess a _____ that is beyond all price.

work ethic

Question 4

What is a sufficient condition for a decision in business to be considered an “ethical” issue?

A sufficient condition for categorizing a business decision as an “ethics” issue is that the decison is made by anyone in the accounting department.
A sufficient condition for categorizing a business decision as an “ethics” issue is that the decision involves lawyers.
A sufficient condition for categorizing a business decision as an “ethics” issue is that everyone complains about the decision.
A sufficient condition for categorizing a business decision as an “ethics” issue is that the decision affects people and what people care about in a significant way.
All of the above.

Question 5

Which of the following is an example of restricting a person’s autonomy?

Locking them in a room for 3 hours.
Manipulating a person to choose the option that you want.
Lying to your customers about the quality of the product you are selling.
All of the above.

Question 6

“There is no ‘universal truth’ in ethics, that is, there are no moral truths that hold for all peoples at all times” is a tenant of which moral theory?

Cultural relativism

Question 7

Which of the following is an example of violating or restricting one’s ability to rationalize?

Gaslighting- creating a state of paranoia
Getting them drunk or drugged up.
Overly complimenting them to make them feel good.
A and B
B and C

Question 8

Friedman holds that executives are fiduciaries of stockholders.



Question 9

By definition, firms buy the goods or services they need from their own stakeholders.



Question 10

According to the Economist, what should employers do when sending employees to dangerous places?

Require a physical exam by a doctor before the employee takes the job
Pay for life insurance in case the employee is killed
Have employees sign a waiver and promise not to sue
Assess the risks, avoid pressuring employees, and use experienced staff
Tell employees how valuable their work is to the company

Question 11


If a person’s ability to be rational and autonomous has been violated or restricted, then that person’s dignity has been violated.



Question 12

Which of the following is not considered an economic system?


Question 13

What is the “boiling frog” syndrome mentioned by the Economist article?

When in a foreign country, you might not be aware of dangers like poisonous frogs.
When the danger increases gradually, you might not be aware of it.
When you need a job, you might be willing to work somewhere dangerous.
When you are the boss, you might pressure employees to work somewhere dangerous.
When you eat too many frogs, you might get sick.

Question 14

Friedman would rather the economic market take care of itself and leave social responsibilities, such as environmental husbandry, to the government.



Question 15

Friedman thinks that people, and NOT businesses, have:

Inherent value
code of ethics
To be watchful of businesses
All of the above

Question 16

According to Adam Smith, it is not in our human nature to care about other people, expecially when those people do not contribute to our own happiness or wealth. This is why people are only motivated by profit.



Question 17

In Friedman’s words, the reason that the corporate executive is chosen by the stockholders is that:

“The executive is the top employee, and they are the most important customer.”
“Markets will afford him more respect.”
“The executive is an agent serving the interests of his principal.”
“They should have all of the power in all circumstances.”
“The executive should indeed keep the stockholder in mind when making difficult decisions.”

Question 18

We as fully functioning human beings have the ability to learn and know the difference between right and wrong. We refer to this ability in class as:


Question 19

According to cultural relativism, there is no objective morality that binds all persons to the same moral obligations.




Question 20

Which are main claims of Cultural Relativism?

There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one’s social code better than another.
Cultures are incapable of maintaining peace.
Universal truths in morality exist, although very hard to discover.
The moral code of own society has no special status, it is merely one among many.
C and D
A and D

Question 21

According to cultural relativism, culture or society determines what is right or wrong behavior.



Question 22

The “ought implies can” rule can be summarized by the which statement?

Anything a person is capable of doing is fair game.
If a person is able to save 5 people from dying, then he has moral obligation to do so.
A person is obligated to save 5 people from dying if and only if other poeple are obligated to do so as well.
If I am not capable of doing ‘X’, then it makes no sense to conclude that I ought to do ‘X’.
All of the above.

Question 23

According to Kantianism, our reason reveals our duties.



Question 24

Norman Bowie argues that, generally speaking, we should __________ people.

A. Exploit
B. Bluff
C. Love
D. Respect
E. Undermine

Question 25

Moral/ethical obligations are all grounded in laws that have been passed and enforced by the governement..



Question 26

The notion of ‘doing right for rights sake’ is:

Cultural Relativism

Question 27

According to Friedman, when a business is concerned with social responsibility, the executives are:

Wasting their money
Spending other people’s money rather than their own
Being heroes
Doing the best they can given the situation
Left without any other choice

Question 28

Kant argues that freedom and the ability to make moral decisions are what make human beings especially valuable.


Question 29

Autonomy refers to the human preference of making rational choices for other people.

Question 30

Norman Bowie argues that, generally speaking, we should _____ people.


Question 31

Kant argues for the respect of persons.

Question 32

An owner of a corporation is not a stakeholder in a corporation.

Question 33

According to Utilitarianism, the most moral action is the action that produces _____________________________.

the greatest good for the greatest number.
the greatest efficient outcomes.
compliance with ones culture or society.
precedent for duty so that other may use that precedent as future guidelines.
none of the above.

Question 34

Friedman believes that a corporation is like an artificial person.


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