Posted: September 13th, 2017

'value-driven attentional capture in adolescence" .

‘value-driven attentional capture in adolescence” .

writing the essay which argues for or against of the research title ‘value-driven attentional capture in adolescence” . details are given below

Order Description

PSYC1001 Essay Topic 2015
Read this article, it is the focus paper (available on the library website):
Roper, Z., Vecera, S., & Vaidya, J. (2014). Value-driven attentional capture in adolescence.
Psychological Science, 25(11), pp.1987-1993.
Your task is to write an APA formatted essay which argues for (or against) the relevance and
applications of this research.
Include an analysis of the article which briefly outlines, in your own words and from your own
viewpoint, how the study worked and how its conclusions were arrived at. Do not simply summarise
any part of the article. Within your analysis, assess the methodology and arguments made by using
other literature in the relevant fields (that is: Value based attentional capture, Control in
adolescence). Your argument is the most important aspect of your essay – choose a side, and back it
up with evidence1 from the core article and others related to it.
If you wish to argue strongly in favour of the relevance and applications of the research, be sure to
qualify your statements and argument with recognition of limitations and research yet to be done.
If you wish to argue strongly against the relevance and applications of the research, be sure to
support your argument with evidence obtained from further research in the same field or closely
related fields.
This compulsory assignment is worth 25% of your final grade for PSYC1001. You have more than six weeks
from its release in Week 3 to write 1000 words (+150 word abstract). You need to have completed the
submission process for this assignment before 4pm Wednesday 29th April (in Week 8) or late penalties apply
(refer to your PSYC1001 manual). This assignment will be returned marked to the majority of students at

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