Posted: June 3rd, 2016

Include an analysis on where you think your company can cut costs while also providing more value from manufacturing to final retail.

The following are the questions to prepare for your second exam.  On the two exam days we will randomly select among the four questions – the quantity of questions will be determined on exam day.   Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible, providing rich detail from our lectures, readings, and discussions.  The organization of your answers, the complexity of your analysis, and the clarity of your critical thinking are the key elements of your evaluation.  You will need a clean blue book for each day.

On Distribution –  a. How does a vertical marketing system differ from a company-deciding-whether-develop-brand-new-product-not-yet-seen-marketplace-version-competitors-product-already-launched-mark/”>horizontal marketing system?  Explain in detail. i. What system best describes your project company’s distribution approach? b. Identify your company’s primary marketing channel’s strengths and weaknesses?   i. Include an analysis on where you think your company can cut costs while also providing more value from manufacturing to final retail.   Recall that the many channels along the way are most often separate businesses each trying to maximize value for its own customer while also maximizing profit for itself.  Think of this important phenomenon as you shape your discussion on distribution management.

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