Posted: September 13th, 2017

Vitamin D Research Project

Vitamin D Research Project

Order Description

Mpharm 2nd year Project

• The originating species for the drug and/or its related molecules

• The mechanism of its action

• Examples of how it may be formulated

• How it may be analysed or quantified

PY5010 Groupwork exercise

You need to form groups of 4 students to do this work.

Your task is to research a drug which either is or is related to a natural product.  You need to study and then present the chemistry of your drug.

Areas which you may consider are:

•    Details of its structure, physical form and characteristics

•    The originating species for the drug and/or its related molecules

•    How your drug, or related molecules, are biosynthesised

•    The mechanism of its action

•    Examples of how it may be formulated

•    How it may be analysed or quantified

You should get your information from journal articles or from textbooks.  Websites may be used if you cannot find information elsewhere, however they must be reputable

(e.g. a university, NHS, official body).  Journal articles accessed online do not count as websites (but as articles).

You should aim to find 6-10 good references

Good places to start include:

The British Pharmacopoeia
Derwick, P.M.,  Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Approach
Patrick, G.L., Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
For journal articles use the Web of Knowledge database (

Your group will need to present your findings in two ways:

•    A report of up to six pages (excluding diagrams and references)

•    A summary poster which is informative and eye-catching

Each member will also need to write a one page (maximum) reflective piece on how they contributed to each element of the work.  There will also be a questionnaire for

you to rate the contribution of your colleagues.

(all dates are latest time to complete each exercise – earlier completion is encouraged)

12th Jan        Decide group members and inform Dr Carrington via email
Any students not grouped or with incomplete groups at this                 time will be put into groups.

19th Jan        Email Dr Carrington with group’s choice of drug.  This will             then be approved.  You may need to change if too many groups

pick the same drug.  Assistance will be given to any group                 having problems finding a suitable drug – email for help.

26th Jan        Submit, via StudySpace, a 1-2 page outline of the information             collected and an outline of the report.

Formative feedback on this will assist with putting                     together the more detailed final document

23rd Feb        Final submission of all documents via StudySpace

Marking criteria:


50%    relevant scientific content relating to the drug being discussed

20%    a logical and coherent presentation of the information which makes sense to an     independent reader

20%    choice of suitable references; clear citation of references using Vancouver     Style

10%    quality and consistency of presentation including spelling and grammar


40%    scientific content

40%    technical design – making use of the poster format to present the information     in a suitable and eye-catching way

20%    quality and consistency of presentation including spelling and grammar

(examples of scientific posters may be seen around the walls of the department in the main building)

This exercise contributes 30% of the module marks in the following proportion:
Report 15%, poster 10%; contribution to the task 5%

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