Posted: July 20th, 2015

Wall Street: The World’s Financial Capital

Performance Objectives:

  • To understand and determine the importance of New York’s financial and investment community and how it’s existence impacts business of all sizes and types here in the United States and globally.
  • To understand the managerial role of the Wall Street investment banker from first line level of management to executive level of management.
  • To understand the culture of the Wall-Street environment.
  • To understand why the stock markets have a critical impact on the global economy. Assignment Description: The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to explore and understand Wall-Street’s financial district and how its role impacts global economy; financially and strategically.

Assignment Details: Using credible research from your text, course materials, the internet and research and provide answers to the following:

  1. Provide an explanation of the history of Wall Street.
  2. What is an investment banker and what is his/her purpose on Wall-Street?
  3. Research the job positions of the wall-street investment banker; list and describe in detail the hierarchy of the chain of command for an investment banker
  4. Describe the culture of Wall Street.
  5. Wall Street is home to several stock exchanges. There are two major stock exchanges. Tell of their importance and why they impact the globally economy.
  6. If the stock markets encounter a financial crisis what effect would this have on U. S. businesses and the world as a whole? Project Specifics:

Cite references.

Portion 1

  1. Provide an explanation of the history of Wall Street.
  2. What is an investment banker and what is his/her purpose on Wall-Street?

Portion 2

  1. Research the job positions of the wall-street investment banker; list and describe in detail the hierarchy of the chain of command for an investment banker.
  2. Describe the culture of Wall Street.

Portion 3

  1. Wall Street is home to several stock exchanges. There are two major stock exchanges. What are they? Tell of their importance and why they impact the globally economy
  2. If the stock markets encounter a financial crisis what effect(s) would this have on U. S. businesses and the world as a whole?

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