Posted: September 16th, 2017

War and Revolution.

Compare and contrast the development of government in Eastern Europe, Western Europe, America, and China.

Compare and contrast the economic development of Western and Eastern Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries. Include in your essay an explanation of important economic institutions and practices. Compare and contrast these institutions and practices, analyze how they worked, and discuss how they affected both domestic and international affairs over time (for example, the involvement of economic institutions and practices in developing social classes and/or caste systems).

Point out the relevance of the developments you examine to Western Civilization today.

War and Revolutions
Discuss the consequences of the major wars and revolutions that occurred in Western and Eastern Europe during the early 19th through mid-20th centuries.

you should identify and discuss the nature of these conflicts, the parties involved and those responsible for any aggression.

You should also explain and analyze the extent to which these conflicts affected society, politics, and economics both on a domestic and international scale over a period of time. What were their immediate and long-term effects?

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