Posted: September 16th, 2017

Water sanitation and hygiene business report

it is a business report based on reading of the article, and required four key stages to accomplish these aims:
1. Executive Summary: states the purpose or aim of the report. Provides background details relevant to the situation and summarises the problems and current recommended solutions.
2. Issue Discussion (contributing factors): Identifies the problem and states 2-3 contributing factors which have caused the issue.
3. Issue Outcomes (consequences/effects): States 2-3 points of consequence, each providing a brief summary of one of the subsequent effects of the issue
Note: Data diagrams and data commentaries will be integrated into the Issue Discussion or Issue Outcomes stages to support the information being presented.
4. Recommendations: states 2-3 action-oriented, concise, realistic and feasible recommendations to respond to the issue being researched.

the turnitin requirement is under 15% similarity. and it require a Data diagram in issue discussion or issue outcome stage.

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