Posted: September 11th, 2015

Ways through which health in Australia is reported

Describe three ways the health status of Australian people is reported and use these to compare the health status of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians

Learning Outcomes for this Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate you can:
• Describe ways health is reported in Australia;
• Locate academic journal articles and recent government reports on Aboriginal health;
• Compare the health status of two population sub-groups;
• Correctly cite in-text and end-text references using APA referencing conventions; and
• Write a university-level academic paper using essay format.
Instructions for this Assignment
Using essay format and correct (i.e. APA) in-text and end-text referencing
There are two parts to the assignment:
Describe three ways the health status of Australian people is reported and use these to compare the health status of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians.
Length = 900 words minimum – 1 000 words maximum.
Describe = Provide characteristics and features
Compare = Show how things are similar and different

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