Posted: September 16th, 2017

We need a business plan to include the following: Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Organization & Management, Service or Product Line, Marketing & Sales, and Funding Request I want start a health care scrub business.

We need a business plan to include the following: Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Organization & Management, Service or Product Line, Marketing & Sales, and Funding Request I want start a health care scrub business.

Great a business plan to include the following: Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Organization & Management, Service or Product Line, Marketing & Sales, and Funding Request
I want start a health care scrub business.
The scrub material description .
1. Stretchy
2. Soft not scratchy
3. Light but not see through.
4. Both prints and plain materials
The description of the scrub.
1. Simple like a lab coat
2. With a T-shirt to match
3. Below the hip
4. ¾ sleeve the end of the sleeve a medium button to match the print
5. Three functional matching buttons
6. Two shaping lines on each side
7. Three straight pocket one on the top left side of the chest and two below on both sides.
8. Collar not too big or too wild
Company Description
1. This is going to be a new style scrub for all health care professionals that is not available in stores right now
2. It would be available for hospitals, clinics, drug stores, nursing homes, and nursing schools
3. The specific consumers will be nurses, paramedics, respiratiry, lab technicians, and schools.
4. Organizations will be hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and schools.

Market Analysis
1. This particular set of scrub is not available in the stores now
2. The material is going to be warn all year round
3. The pricing will on the labor which include designing, printing, and styling
4. The barriers would be finance

Executive Summary
The idea is from me being a large size person, finding a good style and at the same time fitted scrub has being a big problem. So one day I sided I have to do something about it, since I know there are other women out there that have the same problem finding the right scrub will be a dream come through. I hope the business will expand to be able fulfill the need of health care professionals who have the same need.
A partnership is a single business where two or more people share ownership.

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