Posted: September 16th, 2017

WEB EXERCISE #4 Modified;

Use the website to research the answers for this exercise.
Review the annual reports of 3 MNCs found at the above website.
1. After a review of the annual reports explain in three separate paragraphs of at least 5-7 sentences each, why you can or cannot determine if the company is hedging the three risks: economic, transaction, and translation exposures.
2. In three more separate paragraphs of at least 2-3 sentences for each MNC, list which currencies the company has borrowed in the past five years besides the U.S. dollar.
SUGGESTED WEB RESOURCES: Refer to the Web Resources listed on page 419 in the text. Again, if one of the websites is not accessible, feel free to conduct a web search (using Google, Yahoo, etc.) to find an appropriate substitute website for your research.

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