Posted: September 13th, 2017

Week 3 project

Week 3 Project For each week’s Project, you will answer statistical questions and solve statistical problems using the STATDISK software. Remember that the primary focus of these exercises is to understand how to properly solve statistical computations using the STATDISK software. It is also important to focus on the approach you took to arrive at a solution. Grading weight will be placed not only on correctness, but also on the depth and clarity of your answers. In the Week 3 Project you will learn how to create a scatterplot, compute a correlation coefficient, and generate a regression equation. Assume all data files that you work with are samples unless otherwise stated. Note:You will NOT receive full credit for a problem submitted without an explanation. See the Course Information area for the grading evaluation criteria for Projects.

To prepare for this Project: • Complete the MyStatLab homework for week 3. • Review the Statdisk User Manual in Doc Sharing. • Reflect on how you might use written form to communicate the process by which you will solve the problems. The Assignment: 1. Read pages 13 – 14 in the Statdisk User Manual 2. Open the Week 3 Project in Doc Sharing. 3. Perform Statdisk computations and answer questions in the Week 3 Project.

4. Submit your completed assignment to the Turnitin submission link. How to Format your Assignment You will be using the original Week 3 Project as it appears in Doc Sharing as a template for your answers. 1. Be sure to include the original problem as it appears in the textbook. The Technology Manual is in .pdf form and allows for you to cut and paste text, but do not concern yourself greatly with the formatting. 2. Insert your solution to each problem directly below the question. Color your answers red. 3. Be sure to cut and paste ALL tables, charts, and information generated by using the STATDISK statistical program and explain what each chart represents.

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