Posted: September 16th, 2017

Week 6 Learning Outcomes

Week 6 Learning Outcomes

Private and Public sector organisations need to be aware of the environmental conditions within which they find themselves, both to ensure appropriate services are delivered now, and also to aid planning for the future. It is important to identify these environmental issues and understand the potential and likely impact they may have on an organisation.
PESTLE is a tool which enables organisations to identify broad environmental forces external to the organisation. PESTLE usually stands for Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental influences. A longer term view can be gained from scenario planning, which is often used in conjunction with PESTLE analysis under certain circumstances.
In addition, SWOT analysis (the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats within an organisation) is a way of bringing together internal analysis and external analysis (for example from a PESTLE analysis) to draw conclusions and inform the business strategy of an
organisation. Guidelines for Completion
The individual assignment is designed for you to reflect upon, and indeed to show off your knowledge about strategic management. The assignment is deliberately left open and flexible to allow you to be “creative” as per expectation of this course. Please use our e-library to search for references.
1. Prepare a PESTLE analysis for a private or public sector organisation with which you are familiar. Provide an example for each of the PESTLE factors and state how each may impact on future service provision within the organisation.
2. Explain why scenario planning is used by organisations and describe the stages involved in conducting a scenario planning exercise.
3. For a private or a public sector organisation with which you are familiar prepare a SWOT analysis and explain the benefits of this tool.
See Appendix 1

Appendix 3: Rubric for Strategic Management – Guidelines
Learner Name: ——————————————-Learner ID:——————– Date:————————
Marking Criteria
Quality of Strategic analysis
Knowledge and understanding of course material
Approach to alternative explanations and arguments
Construction of argument
Clear expression and use of academic conventions
Approach to
Language and data
(where appropriate)
Strategic analysis to be original and clearly defined
Demonstrates solid knowledge and understanding
Demonstrates logical criticism
Original, demonstrates creative thinking and coherence
Very well organized and based on evidence and appropriately referenced
Logical and Complete
Interpretation and analysis
(Very good)
Strategic analysis explanation is based on good research but lacks full understanding
Comprehensive use of relevant body of knowledge
Objective discussion of competing explanations and arguments
Conclusions are drawn evaluated evidence, all sections contributing
Very good structure, expression and ability to employ sources appropriately
Very good Analysis,
judicious interpretations
Strategic analysis is based on superficial assumptions and hunches
Effective inferences from evidence/ideas/concepts and arguments central to the course
Recognition and limited discussion of competing explanations
Clear, sustained argument
Good structure/ expression/referencing
Analysis barely appropriate
and related to course
Irrelevant, unacceptable
Very poor comprehension of material
Very poor explanation and argument
Demonstrating errors of judgment and understanding
Very poor, many errors, not based on references
Serious deficiencies


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