Posted: September 16th, 2017

Western Civilization experience

4. Thesis Papers (30%, 15%x2; Outcomes 3-5; benchmark grade) – Students will respond to two literary pieces reflexive of historical issues discussed in class and found in the textbook.
Content: In 3-4 pages, students will develop a thesis about each novel in the class (Brave New World. The thesis will relate the novel to the Western Civilization experience; the defense of the thesis will synthesize themes or events in the novel with historical knowledge. Defending paragraphs must be organized to support the thesis. Citation of pages will be sought for specifics.
Format: Students will type this paper and save it as a Word Document (use “Save As:” Word 97-2003 Document). Use Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced, one-inch margins (academic standard). MLA style is recommended, though students may select from a style appropriate for their field of study and use it consistently. E-mail all rough drafts to professor for feedback at least a week in advance. Final copies will be uploaded into Blackboard’s SafeAssign module. No paper copies can be accepted.

Talk about the faith and church
Russian revolution control and brain washed people with book
Assembly line

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