Posted: September 13th, 2017

Western Culture

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Essays should be at least 5 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) and deal with a variety of texts, creators, and media. You should aim to convey a breadth of knowledge about different media and creators at the same time as you show depth of analysis in relation to particular works, movements, and individuals.
Make sure that you include citations that indicate the source of all ideas, interpretations, and specific information that you did not generate for yourself. Limit yourself to material assigned in the course (readings and Modules). Students who use outside sources will lose 20 points. The purpose of this assignment is to assess how fully you have understood what has been assigned, and how you have gone about making these assignments meaningful for yourself.
1) Develop a dialogue in which at least 5 creators from the eras covered in this section of the class reflect on their experiences as creators. They should compare and contrast their works, inspirations, source of patronage/support/income, and obstacles. Creators who lived later will likely know something about earlier creators, though perhaps not the “personal” side of their creations/activities.

The work to be used for essay:
Week One (12-19 January)
Hamlet (Acts I-II)
Modules on Shakespeare and His Significance & Theatre- Spoken and Musical
Week Two (20-26 January)
Hamlet (Acts III-V)
Module on Baroque Art & the Dutch Masters
Week Three (27 January – 2 February)
Selections from John Donne’s poetry (read p. 5-39, 50-60, then skim the rest)
Modules “Toward a Modern Outlook” and Baroque Music
Week Four (3-9 February)
Selections of writings from Enlightenment thinkers (Voltaire, Kant, Wollstonecraft)
Modules on the Enlightenment and Classical music
Week Five (10-16 February)
Goethe, Faust Part One (Preliminaries, Scenes I-XV)
Modules on Romanticism (“Romanticism – Eternity”) and early 19th-century art (Goya and Turner)
Week Six (17-23 February)
Goethe, Faust Part One (Scenes XVI-XXV) & Selections from Romantic poetry
Module on Early/Mid-19th-century Music
Week Seven (24 February – 2 March)
Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South (chapters 1-17); JS Mill (excerpts from “On Liberty”)
Modules on Photography and Transcendentalism
Week Eight (16-23 March)
Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South (chapters 18-36); Selections from 19th-century poetry
Walt Whitman documentary (found in the Modules section)

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