Posted: November 15th, 2014

What are the education interest groups and what education policies have they fought for and fought against since the late 1990s? Why?

1. What are the education interest groups and what education policies have they fought for and fought against since the late 1990s? Why?

2. Discuss the history of the federal government’s role in public K-12 education. (include major laws and programs from the Morrill Act up through and including NCLB)

3. Discuss Tennessee’s educational reforms since 2000. What has changed? Is it working?

4. What are the four theories of poverty? Discuss each in detail. Which (one or ones) do you think makes more sense and why?

5. What was Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and what did it do? Why?

6. How did the Reagan Administration alter previous policies regarding poverty?

7. What did Barbara Ehrenreich do and why? What did she discover?

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