Posted: November 28th, 2014

What are the factors that influence effective discharge from hospital of older people?

What are the factors that influence effective discharge from hospital of older people?

Project description
The dissertation of 8,000 words should meet the following criteria:

A clear title that identifies the topic of enquiry;
A reflection on established practice and theory;
A systematic approach to gathering evidence;
The findings are analysed and evaluated;
The findings demonstrate analysis with critical appraisal;
Evidence of understanding ethical issues in research;
Ability to make validated reliable comparisons between studies, as appropriate;
Critical evaluation of evidence;
Revision and/or generation of theory/models in the light of findings;

The literature review should comprise:

A contents page with a full list of tables, charts, graphs and appendices if appropriate

The body of the dissertation should be divided into chapters / sections using the following as a guide:
oIntroduction, including background review and policy context to the topic; key questions to be addressed in the review;
oMethodology, including selection/inclusion/exclusion criteria, systematised search strategies, data extraction procedure and process for synthesis and pooling results from selected literature;
oDiscussion/Analysis of findings;
oConclusions and implications/recommendations for practice
oReferences/Bibliography and Appendices

The written report should also demonstrate:
Clearly expressed objectives for the dissertation;
A clear definition of the concepts;
A critical approach to literature;
Logical, coherently assembled evidence;
Clearly expressed results;
A relevant, accurate coherent discussion;
Conclusions that are accurate and justified;
The potential contribution of the dissertation to practice;
A critical review of your work.


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