Posted: September 13th, 2017

What are the main implications of global media and knowledge production for young people in your educational context?

What are the main implications of global media and knowledge production for young people in your educational context?
Answer this question in a 500 word posting that makes reference to at least one of the key concepts covered in this module and critically engages with at least one of the readings. Do not just quote from the reading/s. Make sure you include your own critical appraisals of and opinions on the issues raised.
You can make your posting either by starting a new topic, or responding to a topic started by another student. If you respond to a topic started by another student, please use what they have said as a springboard into discussing your own educational context. You can do this by noting similarities or differences of context.
Before you make this posting, please refer to the instructions in the unit outline (5b) paying particular attention to the marking criteria.
You will receive a mark and feedback on your posting following these marking criteria.

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