Posted: December 1st, 2014

What are the roles of the textbook, the teacher, and informal activities like reading outside the classroom in learning a foreign language lexicon? How much vocabulary can be learned from these sources of input?

What are the roles of the textbook, the teacher, and informal activities like reading outside the classroom in learning a foreign language lexicon? How much vocabulary

can be learned from these sources of input?

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ALEM18 Assignment 2014-15

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What are the roles of the textbook, the teacher, and informal activities like reading outside the classroom in learning a foreign language lexicon? How much vocabulary

can be learned from these sources of input?

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Reading List

Milton, J. (2009) Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Nation, I.S.P. (2001) Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.

Alsaif, A. and Milton, J. (2012) Vocabulary input from school textbooks as a potential contributor to the small vocabulary uptake gained by English as a foreign

language learners in Saudi Arabia. Language Learning Journal, 40(1), 21-34.
Konstantakis, N. and Alexiou, T. (2012) Vocabulary in Greek young learners English as a foreign language course books. Language Learning Journal, 40(1), 35-46.
Milton, J. (2011) The role of classroom and informal vocabulary input in growing a foreign language lexicon. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26. 59-80.
Scholfield, P. (1991). Vocabulary rate in course books – living with an unstable lexical economy. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the Description and /or

Comparison of English and Greek, Thessaloniki; Aristotle University pp 12-32.
Tschichold, C. (2012) French vocabulary in Encore Tricolore: do learners have a chance? Language Learning Journal, 40(1), 7-19.
Häcker, M. (2008) Eleven pets and twenty ways to express one’s opinion: the vocabulary learners of German acquire at English secondary schools. In Language Learning

Journal, 36(2), 215-226.

Donzelli, G. (2007) Foreign language learners: words they hear and words they learn, a case study. Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA) 7(2007), 103-126.
Meara, P., Lightbown, P. and Halter, R.H. (1997) Classrooms as lexical environments. In Language Teaching Research. 1(1), 28-47.
Tang, E. and Nesi, H. (2003) Teaching vocabulary in two Chinese classrooms: schoolchildren’s exposure to English words in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Language Teaching

Research 7(1) 65-97.

Activities outside class
Fitzpatrick, T, Al-Qarni, I and Meara, P (2008) Intensive Vocabulary Learning: a case study. Language Learning Journal, 36(2), 239-248.
Garnier, M. (2013) Intentional vocabulary learning from watching DVDs with subtitles: A case study of an ‘average’ learner of French. In international journal of

Research studies in Language learning 3(1), 21-32.
Milton, J (2008) Vocabulary Uptake from Informal Learning Tasks. Language Learning Journal, 36(2), 227-238.
Milton, J., Jonsen, S., Hirst, S. and Lindenburn, S. (2012) Foreign language vocabulary development through activities in an on-line 3D environment. Language Learning

Journal, 40(1), 99-112.
Horst, M. and Meara, P.M. (1999) Test of a model for predicting second language lexical growth through reading. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue

canadiennne des langues vivantes, 56, 2 (December/decembre), 308-328
Webb, S. and Rodgers, M. (2013) Vocabulary demands of television programs. In Language Learning 59(2), 335-366.


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