Posted: September 13th, 2017

What happens to the blood pressure and heart rate when the arterial resistance is increased?

MacMan–WRITING UP report
Guideline: Read before to write and submit your report.
The report should be submitted through turnitin only on the link below:
The write up should be done in Times new Roman or Arial with font size of 12. The length of the report should be approximately 650 (+10%) words in total.
As the MACMAN exercises are computer simulations, the standard practical report format is not suitable and they should be based on the exercises and questions below.
If you give references in your answers the format should follow the one adopted by the university only. NO websites or quotations in text will not be considered as appropriate for this coursework. Standard textbooks and original scientific articles are accepted.
The marking criteria for this work will be the same as the one found in the general handbook. Pay attention to the structure the writing and the grammar of the content. The marking apply also the instruction you have been asked to follow.
Exercise 1 (20 marks)
Q – What happens to the blood pressure and heart rate when the arterial resistance is increased?
Q – What might give rise to a condition with increased arterial resistance with a systolic blood pressure of more than 160 mmHg and/or diastolic of 95 mmHg?
Exercise 2 (10 marks)
Q – Can you suggest real situations for the 3 scenarios below where the changes you have made would be likely to occur?
1. Alter the intrathoracic pressure to 0mm Hg and observe the effects.
2. increasing blood volume to 6 litres.
3. decreasing blood volume to 3 litres.
Exercise 4 (20 marks)
Compare and contrast the effect of blood loss between the two conditions tested (4000 ml and 3500 ml) with a cardiac performance of 50%. How much more serious is severe blood loss in a person with only 50% normal cardiac performance?

Exercise 3: Mini Essay (50 marks)
In a short essay explain by comparing the effects of the different class of haemorrhage which parameters are the most affected and what are the physiological regulations involved in maintaining homeostasis. What is happening in the case of severe haemorrhage?

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