Posted: September 13th, 2017

what health informatics means in Australia

what health informatics means in Australia

For this assessment you are to write a short essay between 500 – 1000 words on your understanding of what health informatics means in Australia. You need to provide examples of health informatics to demonstrate your understanding. You do need to reference your information so please use credible resources of information dated within the last 5 years. Please provide a cover page using Appendix A of the Guide to Assignment Presentation (GAP) (or see link in Resources section on Blackboard).
You do not need to provide a contents page, but your footers should contain your name, student ID number, assessment title and page numbers (no footer on cover page and no headers). Ensure you have an introduction, body and conclusion (see Essays in the GAP). Please see the marking rubric on Blackboard for how this will be marked. You will submit your short essay to Blackboard through the Turnitin link. You do have an opportunity to submit one draft to Turnitin before the submission date.

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