Posted: September 13th, 2017

What is the difference between school and education. And critically discuss what a good school and education mean for the children

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Clear introduction and clear points made


Reading list:

Reading List


Core texts

Indicative Reading

  • Alderson, P (1994) ‘Researching Children’s Rights to Integrity’ in Mayall, B (ed) Children’s Childhoods Observed and Experienced Falmer Press
  • BMA (British Medical Association) (1999) Growing up in Britain: Ensuring a healthy future for our children. A study of 0-5 year olds. London: BMA.
  • Bradshaw, J. (Ed) (2002) The Well-being of Children in the UK. London: Save the Children.
  • Clark, A. and Moss, P. (2001) Listening to young children. The Mosaic Approach. London: National Children’s Bureau.
  • Davie, R and Graham Upton and Ved Varma (1996) The Voice of the Child: A Handbook for Professionals Falmer Press

Freeman, M. (2005) Children’s Health and Children’s Rights: An Introduction. The International Journal of Children’s Rights 13 (1-2) March 1-10.


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