Posted: September 13th, 2017

What is the Impact of Social Worker Turnover Rate on Service User Satisfaction in Long Term Care Teams within Children and Families?

What is the Impact of Social Worker Turnover Rate on Service User Satisfaction in Long Term Care Teams within Children and Families?

?    Summative assignment CW2:
?    2500 word research and theory essay including a final evaluation of the action learning set group research proposal giving an alternative method/s to that chosen by the group and making the argument for the alternative method/s. In this evaluation of your action learning group research proposal you will examine the ideas behind the research methods, the theory underlying the research question and relationship between the research design/topic and service user empowerment and involvement.   Hand-in 14th May 2015

–    Approx. 1500 – 1700 words) Critically evaluate the research methods and strategy proposed by your group, drawing fully on research methods literature to show understanding and critical discussion of methodological issues arising such as: details of how the particular methods work; quality of the literature review (adding additional material your group missed if necessary); the principles behind the methods; issues of access, sampling, how the data will help answer the research question; what data analysis will be used; reliability; validity; research ethics. What alternative methods could be used (showing understanding of these methods drawing on research methods literature

–    2 (Approx. 300-500 words) Evaluate how your group used theory in the research. What theoretical ideas lie behind the research question? How does this relate to practice? How does theory relate to the proposed research methods (e.g. is the research testing specific theoretical ideas or is theory being generated by the findings)?

3 (Approx. 300-500 words) Evaluate how well the proposed research meet the brief set. How does the research engage with service user empowerment, social work values and research ethics? If this is weak in the research proposal how would you strengthen it?

?    Demonstration of good understanding of research methods.
Showing you understand the practicalities of how they work
Showing understanding of principles behind the methods
Engaging in debates in the literature around benefits and problems of a particular method

?    Full engagement with research methods literature (and other literatures such as literature relating to theory and practice).
Showing a range of viewpoints from different commentators
Fully referencing all you write

?    Understanding of the details and underlying issues relating to particular research methods (which comes from reading extensively).
?    Ability to relate the discussion of research to theory and practice.

?    Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research to inform best social work practice.
?    Explain ethical issues in conducting and using research and the role of the social work values base in research and evaluation.
?    Show awareness of social work theory, models and values and ethical dilemmas that may arise.
?    Show understanding of reflective practice and the use of theory.
?    Demonstrate an understanding of basic social work research skills pertinent to the profession of social work, including:
a.   the formulation of research problems;
b.   the formulation of research questions and hypotheses;
c.   the use of various research methods;
d.   the collection and analysis of research data;  and
e.   the presentation and interpretation of research results.
?    Demonstrate an understanding of how to research the literature, including the use of electronic and library resources.
?    Draw on case study and practice learning experiences in applying theory to social work practice.
?    Utilise research skills and research findings in the evaluation and development of good professional practice.

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