Posted: September 13th, 2017

What is the issue? What is the claim? Succinctly and briefly

What is the issue? What is the claim? Succinctly and briefly
articulate the evidence used to support the claim? What is the

The issue is whether this nation’s birth was cloaked in the

doctrine of white supremacy?

The claim is yes, when this nation was being born or from its

inception, it was dedicated to the precept of black inferiority and

the doctrine of white supremacy. [Point Of View – POV]
Each premise [P] must put forth evidence in support of the claim/Pov.

P1 At this nation’s inception, it instituted the system of
enslavement of Africans based on the idea that one group
of people [non Africans] was superior to another [Africans] or
in the alternative; the label “property” was assigned to the
group of African people. This means that at the very
beginning of this country, the precept of black inferiority
and the doctrine of white superiority were also born. [p.]

P2 During the beginnings of this nation, wholesale genocide of
Native Americans [a dark skinned people] was administered
by colonists and persons in governmental authority. This
shows the people who were not Anglo were of less or not
value based on the color of their skin. [p.]

P3 The doctrine of ‘white supremacy’ contradicts the nation’s
theoretical commitment to the principles of human
freedom and equality and expressed in the United States
Constitution and other documents. This demonstrates the
notion that in the minds of most that all men are created
equal is hypocritical under the doctrine of ‘white
supremacy’. [p.]

C Therefore, this nation was born in and dedicated itself to
the precept of black inferiority and white superiority
because this precept was harbored in the minds of the
colonists when they founded and developed America, in
the laws of America, as well in the perpetual notion of
traditions and practices.

Conclusion must strongly reiterate the claim/point of view asserted.

Q L3 lfiz‘

Africana Studies Department

Sample Analysis – “Shades of Freedom”, A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.
Bernardean Broadous J.D., Professor


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