Posted: February 1st, 2014

What was the purpose of the study

A classic study in Criminal Justice is the Stanford Prison Experiment. You can find information about the study at: Note: You will find a lot of information about the experiment if you Google® “Stanford Prison Experiment.”
In a minimum of 3 – 5 pages of written text (not including the cover page and reference page), identify and describe the following:
  1. Provide a brief review of the study.
  2. What was the purpose of the study? Was the study exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, evaluative, or a combination, as discussed in Unit 1, Chapter 1? Justify your answer.
  3. Evaluate four ethical principles and standards as discussed in Chapter 2, Unit 2, that have been complied with and/or violated in this experiment. List these standards and explain how they have or have not been complied with.
  4. Evaluate the validity and reliability of this experiment. Explain your answer.
  5. Analyze whether the results can be generalized to another situation or population, refer to Unit 6. Justify your answer.
Note: Generalizability is a special type of validity. It is the idea, that results of a research study can be applied from the sample population used in the study back to the larger population from which the sample was drawn. These results may refer to people or they may refer to the concepts of the study. For example, if you are able to discover why people commit burglaries, can you generalize that discovery to other crimes, as well?
As such, would the observations made in the Stanford Prison experiment be the same if the subjects were middle-aged females from New York rather than college-students in California? What if the study was conducted in 2009 rather than 1971?
You may present the information in any of the following ways; however, if submitted in a format other than a paper, you need to be pre-approved by your instructor, and they will share with you their specific requirements.
  • Paper 3-5 pages
  • PowerPoint—make sure your slides are easy to read. If desired, you can put information in the slide notes to explain points on the slide,
  • Any other creative way
APA specifications are expected to be followed in the format of the proposal, the citations, and the references.

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