Posted: September 13th, 2017

What were the economic implications of the Gold Rush in California?

Content: Use one of the given prompts as your guide for what to write. You are expected to put thought in your answers and respond intelligibly. You are encouraged to support your answers with material from the video, class lecture, as well as the required readings. You must clearly indicate your source, and if you directly quote any material, you must clearly indicate what has been quoted along with indicating the source of the quoted material.

Format: Although these reactions are only one page, you are expected to submit well-written papers. These will be graded not only on the thoughts submitted, but also on grammar and cohesiveness.

Prompt: *only respond to ONE. There are two so you if you don’t like one, you can do the other…

1) What were the economic implications of the Gold Rush in California? (i.e. What happened to the prices of food, housing, etc.)

2) Why was there such a desire to move out west? What kind of people chose to do this?

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