Posted: September 16th, 2017

Which of the following sentences covers its contents in the most roundabout way?

1. Which of the following sentences covers its contents in the most roundabout way?

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(a) It is the president’s belief that a recession is near.
(b) The president believes a recession is near.
(c) The president thinks a recession is near.
(d) A recession is near, believes the president.
(e) The president thinks a recession is coming.

2. Mark the best concluding remarks that immediately precede the “sincerely yours” in a business message.

(a) Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain . . . .
(b) Assuring you of our cooperation, we remain . . . .
(c) Thanking you in advance for your cooperation . . . .
(d) We beg to remain . . . .
(e) I appreciate your prompt handling of this request

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